IDrive Arkansas

IDrive Arkansas


star 3.4 From 76 Ratings


IDrive Arkansas is your source of traveler information for Arkansas Highways! At a glance, IDrive Arkansas will show you the location of each construction zone on the state highway system. Activate the live traffic / traffic camera features for a clear understanding of how traffic is moving up to and through each construction zone. Add the weather radar feature and determine the impact storms are having on traffic moving through construction zones. The display features of IDrive Arkansas include: - Live Traffic / Traffic Cameras - Active Construction Zones - Closed / Flooded Highways - Alternate Routes - Weather Radar / Warnings - Winter Weather Road Conditions - Arkansas Welcome Centers and Highway Rest Areas - Commuter Park and Ride lots - Weight Restricted Highways and Bridges All highway data is delivered in real-time and is provided straight from our crews in the field. With IDrive Arkansas you can learn more about voter-approved construction programs, report littering, request a complimentary Highway Map of Arkansas, report problems on the state highway system, and submit questions.
