Annabel Karmel Recipes

Annabel Karmel Recipes

By Annabel Karmel Group Holdings Limited

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Annabel Karmel’s multi award-winning recipe app is your go-to essential for feeding babies, toddlers, children – and the whole family. Millions of families rely on Annabel's recipes and advice to raise healthy, happy babies. With over 30 years of baby and children’s food expertise, Annabel’s app is the leading resource for making mealtimes simple – and tasty. Start your 7-day FREE TRIAL today! 
OVER 1250 SIMPLE RECIPES It’s easy to search for, filter and save over 1250 delicious, nutritious recipes for every age and stage. You’ll NEVER be stuck for mealtime inspiration again. Plus, enjoy a fresh batch of recipes from Annabel’s kitchen every week. RECIPE COLLECTIONS Save and store your favourite recipes into personalised collections to make planning, shopping and cooking for your family easy. THUMBS UP? Mark recipes as ‘It’s a hit!’ or ‘Try again’ to help you keep track of your little one’s favourites, and those you might need to give another go. It can take lots of tries for babies and tots to acceptance new flavours! WEANING HUB Unlimited access to your one-stop guide to safe and easy weaning. Explore the best foods for a flavour-filled, healthy food journey. From first tastes to finger foods and textured meals, parents love following this super handy resource.
 FIRST FOODS INDEX This is your ultimate guide to safely introducing 50+ single ingredients to your baby. Learn how to prep each food, whether you are spoon feeding or baby-led weaning. LISTEN-ALONG WEANING GUIDE Get ready to tune in to Annabel’s #1 listen-along weaning resource – guiding you through every stage of your baby’s food journey. Broken down into bite-sized tutorials, it’s easy to listen in your own time.
 MEAL PLANNERS, GUIDES & SHOPPING LISTS As well as Meal Planners and Shopping Lists, Annabel has also cooked-up a series of helpful feeding Guides - from introducing and preparing finger foods, to managing common food allergies. 
ALLERGY TRACKER Annabel also serves-up the latest advice on managing food allergies in babies, and you’ll have access to a helpful Allergy Tracker. This lets you track and record any symptoms arising from eating certain foods. Storing this information in one place is invaluable when sharing any concerns with your GP or healthcare practitioner.
