

By Golden Landing Limited


ARLEVARD - THE BOULEVARD OF ART Arlevard is here to change how art lovers connect, communicate, and interact with each other. Fuelled by our deep passion for art, our mission is to create an open space for artists and art lovers. Our network aims to bring a wide selection of artists and galleries closer to their audience. SHOWING THE WORLD YOUR TALENT The epitome of Arlevard’s mission is to bring art and its lovers closer together by delivering the benefits of online communication to the art community. We aim to provide artists with an easy and fuss-free way to set up online galleries within just a few days, without the high upfront costs of a high-street premise. Arlevard helps art thrive by creating a canvas for artists to create profiles and share their artworks. Be it photos, videos, creative processes, concepts, forms, techniques, or personal stories. Whether you are a local gallery looking to expand, a new artist seeking new customers, or a curator wanting to launch a new exhibition, Arlevard will support your efforts. To provide opportunities for participation in arts and culture, we also cater to users with timely updates on art fairs and events. Arlevard serves as a podium to inspire, support, and grow with each other. Arlevard is a focused community for the people who love art to know more about art and connect ideas. AN INCLUSIVE PLATFORM DEDICATED TO ART The art community can sometimes be very exclusive and hard to break into and thrive in. But, being an inclusive and interactive community of artists and art lovers, Arlevard is a diversified and safe space for all art lovers from around the globe, regardless of race, region, or color, to come together rejoice in the common love for art. Arlevard is a common ground for people to unite under the name of art. Arlevard is passionate about offering art lovers the opportunity to have a wider selection of artists and galleries at their fingertips. By doing that, we aim to accomplish two goals; the first one is to help art lovers access masterpieces, art shows, and galleries that otherwise would be out of their reach. The second one is to support new artists, help them promote their artworks, and cultivate relationships between the artists and the audience. Here, art always comes first in whatever form it may be. SPARK YOUR CREATIVITY Whether you’re a painter, sculptor, photographer, or another type of artist - there may be days when you feel overwhelmed or lack the inspiration to engage in any creative activity. Artist’s block is really common. With the free membership to Arlevard, you’ll get the creative break and social interactions you need to recharge your motivation. Socializing and connecting with art lovers will help reset your brain and trigger your inspiration. A friend, a stranger, or a random comment might prove to be the spark that ignites your creative fire. UPLIFTING THE ART COMMUNITY WITH FLYING COLOURS Hong Kong is a city full of galleries and art shows, but with restrictions in overseas travel and local art events during the pandemic, our art space took a massive hit, with barely any scope for connecting artists, connoisseurs, and art lovers. There is an increasing need for a channel that bridges the gap between all art lovers to keep the colours and creativity flowing without any barrier. We made it our mission to bring the best arts direct to art lovers’ mobile phones. That’s exactly when and why Arlevard came into the picture. WANT TO JOIN THE LOCAL ART SCENE? Download Arlevard App Now!
