Breast Cancer Staging TNM 8

Breast Cancer Staging TNM 8

By Integrated Cancer Research Limited

star 4.9 From 931 Ratings
  • Category Medical
  • Release Date 2017-04-06
  • Current Version 14
  • File Size 16.71 MB
  • Links Google Play


Generate a patient's overall anatomic and prognostic stage -simply and easily using the TNM 8 staging criteria. Perfect for physicians, surgeons, radiologists, physician assistants, nurses, medical students, trial managers, research and any healthcare professional in the field of breast cancer. The App also allows users to email the breast cancer stage to colleagues and patients. In addition to the TNM staging criteria, the Breast Cancer Staging calculator allows users to generate the overall prognostic stage using: HER2 status, ER status, PR status and the OncotypeDx Recurrence Score©. Definitions based on the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual - Eighth Edition. ©App is copyright of Integrated Cancer Research Limited. Definitions are copyright of the AJCC and are used with permission of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois.
