

By Nextcloud GmbH

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A safe home for all your data The Nextcloud iOS app allows you to access all your files on your Nextcloud Features: - Read, rename, copy, move, delete all the files stored in your Nextcloud and send them to other App. - Display documents, photos, videos, audio files. - Automatically display previews of images and videos. - Create new folders. - Add any kind of data (documents, templates, photos, videos, voice memo, etc…). - Tag the most important files and folders as ‘favorites’ or ‘offline’ to consult them offline. - Use the Passcode function for an advanced level of protection of single folders or to prevent access to Nextcloud to other potential users of your iPhone. - You can enable the automatic loading from the camera so your photos shots will be available on your Nextcloud. - You can enable memory optimization Nextcloud to save space on your iPhone. - Share your files with others. - Multi-account support. - Monitors your cloud from More menu in tab bar - Use theming Server - Integration with iOS 11 Files App Please report all issues at and discuss this app at New to Nextcloud? Nextcloud is a private file sync & share and communication server. It is fully open source and you can host it yourself or pay a company to do it for you. That way, you are in control of your photos, your calendar and contact data, your documents and everything else.
