With Philo you’ll unlock a world of entertainment with one subscription! Enjoy 70+ of your favorite channels, a library of more than 75,000 movies and shows available anytime, and all the groundbreaking originals, blockbuster movies, and classic collections included with AMC+, all for just $28/month. Here’s what the Philo app has to offer: Top Rated Channels Watch top-rated networks live, including AMC, BET, CMT, Comedy Central, Discovery, Food Network, Hallmark, HGTV, History, Investigation Discovery, Lifetime, MTV, Nickelodeon, OWN, VH1, WE tv, and more! You’ll also get an additional 70+ free music, news, comedy, home & lifestyle, reality, and true crime channels. Endless Entertainment Your next obsession is waiting in the AMC+ library of captivating drama, thrillers, horror, and more. And with premium add-ons like Movies & More, STARZ, and MGM+, you can enjoy blockbuster movies and even more hit original series. Unlimited DVR Curate your own streaming library by saving all your favorite movies and shows with the unlimited DVR. You can save any currently or recently aired content and rewatch your recordings for up to a year. Best of all, you can skip the ads! Custom Profiles Personalize your Philo experience with up to 10 custom profiles. Each user on your account gets their own sign-in credentials, library of saved shows, watch history, and recommendations. Stream on Multiple Devices Enjoy all the movies and shows you love—anytime, anywhere. Watch Philo on all your go-to devices, including desktop, tablet, mobile, and TV. You can even watch on up to 3 devices at the same time. Easy Discoverability You can see what’s new and trending, browse curated collections, or access your saved shows on the Homepage. Use our handy search bar to get to your favorites faster. Download the Philo app to start your 7-day, risk-free to start watching today. Signing up is easy and only takes a few seconds! To find: Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and privacy options, visit philo.com/legal. Please note: This app features Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software which will allow you to contribute to market research, like Nielsen’s TV Ratings. Please visit http://www.nielsen.com/digitalprivacy for more information.