Postbank BestSign

Postbank BestSign

By Postbank - eine Niederlassung der DB Privat- und Firmenkundenbank AG

star 4.7 From 906 Ratings
  • Category Finance
  • Release Date 2019-02-06
  • Current Version 2.24.0
  • File Size 26.51 MB
  • Links Google Play


The Postbank BestSign app is a separate app for securely authorizing orders in online banking. The app only includes the BestSign security procedure. Create and activate BestSign once, then you are ready for authorizing. You can log into the BestSign app with your password or – if available – conveniently with your biometric data. This app is useful if you do not want to use the Postbank app, as you mainly carry out your online banking on the computer and only need a security procedure for order authorization. Tip: Try the Postbank app. Then you have your online banking and security procedures conveniently and securely in one place. DATA PRIVACY Protecting your data is our highest priority. Find more information in our data privacy policy.
