Telesketch - Drawing Game (Online, Multiplayer)

Telesketch - Drawing Game (Online, Multiplayer)

By Poeko Inc.

star 4 From 183 Ratings
  • Category Games
  • Release Date 2017-02-08
  • Current Version 1.4
  • File Size 29.55 MB
  • Links Google Play


Telesketch is an online, multi-player drawing and guessing game. Invent fun phrases, then draw them! Take turns guessing what the other players drew and then drawing what other players guessed. Try to pass the phrase on without changing it. Just like the "Telephone Game" or "Whisper down the Lane," as the game goes on, Drawings and guesses get more and more wacky and distorted. After 9 turns the (often hilarious) results are revealed. Correct and partially correct guesses earn players coins that can be used to unlock new drawing tools, hints and word packs! Not an artist? No problem! Miscommunication is part of what makes the game so fun and addictive. Think you're the next Picasso? Prove it! Earn achievements and compete for a spot on the leaderboards! WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT TELESKETCH: Pictionary on crack! - Reppic The most fun I've had on my phone in a long time. - Emma_gmg It's the app you think about when you're at work. - Teen female Crazy addictive - Vince107 See the best drawings and funniest games at: Questions? Comments? Need help? Email us at: [email protected] By using Telesketch, you agree to the terms of service found at:
