VinTV - Watch Vine Videos

VinTV - Watch Vine Videos

By 磊 张

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Missing Vine? So do we. We are back now with the ability to watch those fun and lovely videos again as we did before! Now, with VinTV, you can get and watch the Vine videos by user names or any Vine video-link. Just input the vanity name or video-link you can find from Internet to start watching. If you can't find any Vine vanity name, don't worry, we provided a long list of recommend channels for you to start. You can also easily share or add videos you like to the Favorites list and watch them at any time you want. VinTV Key Features: 1. Watch Vine. YES! You can still watch them! 2. Fast preview with thumbnail list 3. Your personal Favorites list 4. Easily save and share Also includes: - See comments, likes, loops etc. - Tap to pause and play the video Please note, since the Vine is still processing the old data, you may not find all your favorite videos currently, in that case, please be patient and wait for a while until the videos come back online again. Disclaimer: VinTV is not affiliated with Vine, Inc.
